Monday, July 25, 2011

.99 Cent Find

I read a lot of blogs that always show great finds from goodwill but I have never really been to a goodwill. I have always donated but that was as far as I got. When I decided to do a frame wall I knew goodwill was the way to go and I was shocked when I found this little pretty for just .99. I have been looking for something to display some sand and shells from a trip to Mexico. Having two cats that love to get into everything having a top was a must. So here it is all set up and sitting on my desk.
I know that if I get bored I can wash it out and use it for treats, cupcakes, or even donate it back to goodwill. So check out your local goodwill and see what treasures you can find!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Brand New Blog...

I've shut down my other blog ( and decided to start new here. I know that my name is still the same but this time its more about me, my designs, decor, and family. To get this blog started off right I would like to show off my empty frame wall in my master bedroom. I started by buying frames at my local goodwill, spray painting them white, and hanging empty. Total cost so far 8.00 in frames and 5.00 in spray paint.